Note: Converted times are estimates and may not always be exact.
This tool uses Colorado Timing conversion factors to convert swimming times between Short Course Meters (SCM), Short Course Yards (SCY), and Long Course Meters (LCM). Enter your time in the format mm:ss.hh, select the pool types, and click Convert.
A: This converter uses standard conversion factors, but actual times may vary due to individual factors and race conditions.
A: Yes, you can enter relay times in the same format (mm:ss.hh) for conversion.
A: In swimming, SCY, SCM, and LCM refer to the types of pools used for competitions, distinguished by their length:
SCY (Short Course Yards): This pool measures 25 yards in length. It is primarily used in the United States, particularly in high school and college swimming competitions. The focus on yards rather than meters is unique to American pools.
SCM (Short Course Meters): This pool is 25 meters long. It is used internationally, especially in certain regional or club competitions. The shorter length allows for more turns, which can affect racing strategies and times compared to long course meters.
LCM (Long Course Meters): This is the standard pool length for most international swimming competitions, such as the Olympics and World Championships. It measures 50 meters in length. Swimmers generally achieve slower times in LCM due to the reduced number of turns compared to short course pools.